Hi there fellow car enthusiast, welcome to our website!
Once upon a time, there was a guy named Avtosh who had a big passion for cars. His whole life was centered around cars. He woke up thinking about cars and just as so went to sleep dreaming about cars. And just like many of us, he had a dream: That one day he would be able to build the ultimate ride. But to realize this dream he would need a lot of dedication finding the right parts that would suit his dream perfectly. So any time when he was surfing the web he was on the lookout for parts, when traveling he brought home car parts instead of souvenirs (even if that meant leaving some personal belongings behind) and wherever he could not find the right parts he went through a lot of effort to make the desired part himself! So that his dream could become a reality….. If this story sounds relatable it means you are Avtosh! Just as much as we are Avtosh.
Avtosh-dream (your dream), is our mission.
Every day we go through extreme lengths to supply you the parts you need to build your dream. Because your passion is our dedication. And it’s precisely this passion and dedication that unites us Avtosh’s from all over the world! So if you are looking for something special don’t be afraid to hit us up, Let’s unite!
Signed by your’s truly,